
Apple and Luxury Shopping Experiences – Why Apple Needs to Rethink Its Store Concept

After some days of trying to reserve the iPhone 6 online and just not been able to do so, in the early hours of Wednesday I finally succeeded. I got allocated a one-hour time period for picking up and purchasing the new … Continue reading


Here’s to the Crazy Ones

05.10.2012 † Steve Jobs 


Wie Apple Geheimnisse bewahrt

They would assign two more engineers to the project in January 2002. In August 2002, another dozen started working on it. That’s when the first rumors started to appear. But for 18 months, only six people had any idea that … Continue reading


Inside Apple HQ

Die Apple Gazette zeigt 75 Fotos aus Apples Hauptquartier in Cupertino.


OS X: Hintergrund der Benutzeranmeldung ändern

Eine kurze Beschreibung, wie man das Hintergrundbild (Wallpaper) des Anmelde-Bildschirms (Benutzerlogin) von Mac OS X ändern kann. Continue reading
